Safety Features in a Tiny Home Part-One Designing your own tiny home can be exciting and maybe a little stressful, but have you thought about safety concerns in your tiny home? There could be safety issues you may not have even considered. I hope this blog post proves to be helpful in building your future tiny. Adding into the equation safety concerns shouldn't prove to be too challenging, but certainly, something to think about. Living in a small compacted space can allow for some safety mishaps, and should be prepared for. In part one of our two-part safety series, we will touch on general safety and fire safety in part two. If you haven't heard of NOAH, it's an independent organization who has determined a standard for safe build guidelines specifically for tiny homes. If you are a do-it-yourselfer or are having someone build your home that is new to tiny homes, you may want to consider having your home built to NOAH specif...